Comitê Gestor da Internet no Brasil

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Seminario de Privacidade

Venue and Accomodations


The event will be held at headquarter located in Av. Nações Unidas, 11.541, 6th floor, São Paulo, Brazil.



Participants should make their accomodation arrangements directly with the hotels.  A provisional list of  recommended hotels is available at here.




The city of São Paulo is served by two commercial airports: the Congonhas Airport, located in the center of the city, and dedicated exclusively to inland flights, and the International Airport of Guarulhos – Governador André Franco Montoro, approximately 25 km away from the city center, dedicated to national and international flights.

For more information about the airports, please see the INFRAERO website – Brazilian airports

São Paulo International Airport – Guarulhos
Rod. Hélio Smidt s/n
São Paulo – SP
Office hours: 24 hours
Tel.: +55 11 6445-2945
Fax: +55 11 6445-3173
Distance to the venue: 52,6 km
Taxi: Guarucoop (we recommend looking for the company’s stand at the airport’s main hall)

Congonhas Airport (inland flights)
Av. Washington Luís s/nº
São Paulo – SP
Office hours: From 6:00 am to 11:00 pm
Tel.: +55 11 5090-9000
Fax: +55 11 5531-7718
Distance to the venue: 9,6 km
Taxi: look for the “Cooperativas” taxi line outside the airport


Brazil covers three timezones. Brasília time is the official Brazilian time (see the map ), UTC -3 hours. This timezone changes during summertime, when Daylight Saving Time is used.


The city of São Paulo is located on a plateau 750m above the sea, reason for fresh mornings and evenings. In São Paulo the four seasons are not well defined – sometimes we have all the four seasons in just one day!

See the on-line weather forecast in São Paulo -


In October, we recommend to use light clothes whenever possible. We remind, however, that the conference rooms always have air-conditioning.


Voltage in Brazil is not fixed. In São Paulo, the voltage is 110 Volts and 220 Volts (60 cycles). Travel adapters are indispensable for some electric devices.


São Paulo has an excellent fixed and mobile communication system. Every fixed telephone can make calls to any number in Brazil and the world. Public telephones can be found all over the city and they work with phone cards, available in the local commerce.

The major mobile telephone operators use GSM technology (TIM and Claro) and CDMA (Vivo). The corresponding sites contain information about international roaming.

The Brazilian phone code is +55. The local code for the metropolitan area of São Paulo is 11. Therefore, in order to call a phone number in São Paulo, dial +55 11 (telephone number).

To call from Brazil to another country, dial:
00 + (operator code*) + (country code) + (local code) + (telephone number).

*Operator code: By determination of Anatel, all long distance calls need the long distance operator code. You are totally free to choose your preferred operator in Brazil. In São Paulo, the operators enabled to perform international calls are:

Embratel: 21
Telefonica: 15

* You may search for the fees of each operator in their websites.


The Brazilian monetary unit is the Real (R$). The currency rate is available in every daily newspaper, followed by the american dollar exchange rate used in international business transactions.

Cash money and traveler checks, especially in american dollars, can be exchanged in almost every bank, exchange places and hotels. All major credit cards are accepted in Brazil and some stores accept foreign currency.

You can consult the exchange rate of the day and make the conversion to local currency here.

Credit cards

The main credit cards are accepted in Brazil, especially in São Paulo. The flagsVisa, MasterCard, Diners and American Express are in almost all commercial establishments.


Hotels: Usually the hotel bills don’t include service fees.

Restaurants: You are not obligated to tip, but most frequently 10% is added on the bill.

Taxis: Taxi drivers don’t charge tips, but usually the passengers pay something more if they are satisfied with the service.


São Paulo has an extensive taxi fleet, whether common cabs or operated by licenced companies. Most of these companies can be hired by radio. For your safety, we recommend the usage of these licenced companies, as well as the licenced taxi cabs located at the airports and hotels regions. Some companies offer bilingual drivers services (in English and Spanish).

Guarulhos Airport – Governador André Franco Montoro.
Tel.: +55 11 6445-3552 / +55 11 6445-3452

Tel.: +55 11 6195-6000

Rádio Táxi Vermelho e Branco
Tel.: +55 11 3146-4000

Malls (Shopping Centers) 

São Paulo has dozens of malls distributed over the whole city. The event area has many options and others only 10 to 20 minutes away by taxi.

Morumbi Shopping
Av. Roque Petroni Jr, 1089
Tel.: 55 11 5189-4500

Market Place
Avenida Dr. Chucri Zaidan, 902

Shopping Ibirapuera
Avenida Ibirapuera, 3103
Tel.: +55 11 5095 2300

Shopping Iguatemi
Avenida Brig. Faria Lima, 2232

Shopping Eldorado
Avenida Rebouças, 3.970 – Pinheiros
Tel.: +55 11 3819 0688

Shopping Jardim Sul
Avenida Giovanni Gronchi, 5819
Tel.: +55 11 3779 3900

Shopping SP Market
Avenida das Nações Unidas, 22.540
Tel.: +55 11 5682 3666

Shopping Paulista
Rua Treze de Maio, 1947
Tel.: +55 11 3191 1100

Shopping Higienópolis
Avenida Higienópolis, 618

Shopping Center Lapa
Rua Guaicurús, esquina com a R. Catão
Tel.: +55 11 3675 2011

Shopping Villa-Lobos
Avenida das Nações Unidas, 4.777
Tel.: +55 11 3024 4200

Shopping West Plaza
Avenida Francisco Matarazzo, s/nº – São Paulo – SP
Tel.: +55 11 3677 4000

Security measures 

As it happens in all large cities, it is important to consider personal safety. For that reason, don’t neglect your personal belongings and avoid to go out alone with lap-tops, photo cameras and electronic devices. We recommend the use of authorized vehicles on the way between the airport and the hotels.

The Civil Police of the State São Paulo has police stations specialized in tourist support, which may be contacted at the following address:

DEATUR – Delegacia Especializada no Atendimento ao Turista
(Police Station Specialized in Tourist Support)
Av. São Luís, 91
Tel.: +55 11 3214-0209
Exhibition Pavilion Anhembi – +55 11 6224-0664
Congonhas Airport – +55 11 5090-9032
Guarulhos Airport – +55 11 6445-3064

Safety Tips

As in any other big city, it is important to consider personal safety. For this reason:

Keep an eye on yourluggage. Use large and colorful labels to identify them easily on airport conveyor belts or delivery balconies.

Change your money only in exchange houses at airports or authorized bank agencies. Do not accept help from strangers like luggage porters and agents in airports.

Only use official taxi stands or taxis from the cooperatives indicated by the event organization. Keep the windows of your vehicle always rolled up, specially at night and always ask the driver of your cab to keep valuable belongings, like laptops, in the car’s trunk.

Always keepyour belongings in sight, specially in open areas, like restaurants, snack bars, parks, and even in the event’s venue. Don’t let purses, bags, photo or video cameras hanging on chairs or on the floor.

Don’t wear expensive looking jewelry and watches.
The same applies to large amounts of money; try to separate previously the amount you need for small expenses.

Don’t disclose your personal data to unknown persons and avoid carryingpassports and travel checks when you go for a walk or a drive. In case of loss, theft or robbery, report the fact immediately to the local police.

For your peace of mind, use the hotel’s safe to keep valuable objects, your documents, passport and airplane tickets, and use photocopies of your documents when you go out.

If you go out for a walk or to public and open areas, keep your belongings near to your body and avoid going out alone. It’s recommended to avoid going out carrying your notebook or other electronic devices.

If you need to go to an ATM machine, preferably use those located in malls (shopping centers) or banks. Avoid cash machines on streets or dark places. If you need help, always ask an employee of the bank.